Imagine if you could;
Identify thoughts and beliefs keeping you unhappy.
Gain perspective about your life and relationships.
Become more clear, present, and mindful.
Discover your purpose, innate skills, or abilities.

Working together, we will focus on bringing clarity and understanding to your issues, exploring where you feel stuck or held back, and utilizing the appropriate tools to rewrite or repurpose your old patterns, beliefs, and stories.

All my services are effective by themselves or as an addition to your current therapies.

  • Transpersonal hypnosis or coaching sessions address everyday situations. Working with the mind-body connection, we will explore your issues, triggers, and beliefs, addressing resistance to clear the path to clarity, peace, and a greater sense of well-being.

  • Chakra Balancing and Cord Cutting clear and align the body's energy centers and remove unhealthy ties to people, places, events, or situations, creating emotional release and greater internal focus.

  • Past Life Regression sessions present your current issues through a new perspective and address patterns carried forward from lifetime to lifetime.

  • Quantum Hypnosis (QHHT) sessions expand on the past life session to include connecting to your higher guidance, discovering your life’s purpose, innate skills, abilities, and more.

If you are ready for change, want to take your inner work to the next level, or need a boost to get you back on track, I provide a safe and warm space to assist you on your journey.

- Kris Krueger

My promise to you: